Become a Member of COSTA

Most school transportation carriers in Connecticut are members of COSTA.

Join this strong network of industry members today.

Any person, firm or corporation who owns or operates school buses or student transportation vehicles in one or more cities or towns for public, parochial or private school busing or pre -school busing, or who is otherwise engaged in the business of transporting children in Connecticut is eligible for active membership.

Any person, firm or corporation who is engaged in the manufacture or distribution of equipment, materials, or supplies to Active Members, or any person, firm, or corporation who supplies services not otherwise classified to Active Members is eligible for associate membership. Associate members shall not operate school buses.

Any school district, group or individual having similar goals or interest as the Association, but not eligible for Active or Associate membership is eligible to hold Affiliate membership. Affiliate members are not eligible to hold office or vote, but otherwise receive the benefits of Active Membership, insofar as they are applicable.